By Braniff Watson

The Doctors TV show named electronic cigarettes ninth in their Top 10 Health Trends for 2009, giving them a particularly positive review in an all new episode on Wednesday last week. I did happen to catch this episode while in a waiting lounge and was thrilled about what they revealed on the show.

This is a fantastic endorsement of the potential health merits of the devices. The next exciting thing I spotted was all the doctors on the TV show gave the electronic cigarettes and an electrical cigar a try. They each took many drags, with the exception of Dr Lisa Masterson who completely was faking taking a drag hardly letting her lips touch the electrical cigar.

Skeptics of the potential health benefits should also take note: Not one of the Doctors on The Doctors Television show are smokers but they did try the devices while I find that many people I chat with ( not medical professionals by any means ) are scared to even try taking a drag off one of the cartridges that contains 0 nicotine. If the doctors on The Doctors Television show did not hesitate to take some puffs then does this mean the doctors on telly show aren't nervous about electronic cigarettes inspiring their health?

If the doctors on The Doctors Television show did not hesitate to take some puffs then does this mean the doctors on television show aren't nervous about electronic cigarettes inspiring their health? Now the doctors did give an electronic cigarette to an experienced smoker and let her try it before filming the show and then invited her into the studio audience to give her viewpoint. The vet smoker said that, "she would recommend them." Ultimately , the last exciting thing that stuck out in The Doctors' positive review was Dr Travis Stork informing the crowd the devices aren't FDA authorized yet, but he claimed, and I quote, " I am sure they'll be soon."

I actually find myself reminding folk of the fact that even regular cigarettes are not FDA approved , whenever they suggest that electronic cigarettes need to be FDA licensed to be legally sold in the U.S.A.

The Doctors TV show did say a pair things that were either absolutely wrong or very misleading that may have you doubting their credibility. Firstly they said that the products were not available in the US, which is completely wrong as they are widely available.

They listed electronic cigarettes as their number nine health trend to look at for in 2009 and I'm exited to see this year shaping up quite nicely already for the e smoking community.

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