Spiritual Regression - What Benefits Will You Get?

By Jeremy Bates

If you get some time out for yourself in day to day hectic schedule and spend some time with your own mind instead, you will find that it harbors many a questions which crop up now and then. Most of these questions are fundamental ones, very basic in nature to your life, to your sheer existence, the answers to which can only be provided by the journey called Spiritual Regression.

The questions that put us in a dilemma about our own identity or the voice that always keeps on asking about the purpose of our existence from the inside cannot be answered if we stick to this life time alone. Whatever we have become are the results of the various experiences that we have gone through from childhood and beyond this it's dark and vague. Past Life Regression or even Life between life regressions are ways by which the bigger picture beyond the present lifetime can be unveiled and thus we will be enlightened about all that we want to know.

By spiritual Regression, one primarily refers to the past life regression technique. Starting from the age old, spiritually advanced philosophies of Hinduism to modern western concepts of theosophy, the core belief central to all this is that your soul is immortal and it journey's from one physical body to another after the death of the former. Thus, past life regression involves the journey through your lifetimes of such past births.

This kind of Spiritual regression is done with the help of the method of hypnotic induction. Contrary to popular belief, which thinks being hypnotized means being unconscious, the fact is that hypnosis takes the mind to a heightened focus where all surrounding stimuli ceases to exists and the mind can focus only on recollecting memories and information about its past births buried deep into its subconscious. Hypnotic induction is attaining this state with a series of questions and suggestions to steer the mind in the correct direction.

Thus, in such a session of hypnotic induction the individual is asked specific questions about the various intricacies of his previous life like about his previous home, his locality, the kind of attire he wore, language he spoke, etc. A session of such magnitude which does not follow the barriers of life or death is really a unique experience and it helps to enlighten the individual about the purpose of his existence and who he or she really is.

Moreover, he understands a lot about himself now, the reasons behind his inherent fears or attractions towards specific aspects. Such Spiritual regression session also lets the subject know the purpose of his existence on Earth, his realizes his true potential and what he is able to do unleashing his pent up creativity within. A spiritual regression is thus a journey like no other and is the best session of personal awareness and development one can undertake.

Life between life regressions is also a method by which we can practice spiritual regression. This is possible through advance meditation techniques and an example of the same is the journey of astral projection. In the latter the individual's astral body is separated from the physical one and is able to venture out of the same visualizing his own body and the world from a different astral plane.

Apart from astral projection, other such spiritual regression sessions would include lucid dreaming, where one passes to the realms of dreams with a completely wakeful mind and thereafter consciously dreams. In a therapeutic life between life spiritual regression session, instead of journeying to one's past lives, advanced hypnotic induction is used to make the subject have new experiences and attain another level of consciousness altogether.

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