P90X2: What's Inside Your System?


By Chris Foster

P90X2 is going to blast your fitness to another level!

Just as with P90X, the P90X2 exercise time frame will be 90 days long and has been designed to build upon the original P90X workout. It incorporates the same concept of muscle confusion where you're completing a number of different exercises. The P90X2 schedule is always being switched up so that you don't reach a plateau and so you don't become bored like you do with conventional exercise programs. P90X2 was created by Tony Horton along with other professional sports trainers and will give you incredible results just like P90X. The 12 P90X2 base workouts are divided into three phases. There is also a recovery week that you may schedule as needed. The work outs are designed for a five day week with two rest or light workout days.

Phase 1 is the Foundation Phase and focuses primarily on your core and balance. It lasts anywhere between three to six weeks depending on how quickly you're ready for the upcoming phase. This phase builds the foundation for the next two phases. Some of the exercises will focus on your core by having you perform moves that create instability. You will also perform many strength and explosive moves throughout this phase. Phase 2 is the Strength Phase and focuses primarily on strength and will last approximately 3-6 weeks. During this phase, you'll add plyometrics exercises to your workouts. These exercises allow your muscles to reach maximum force in the shortest amount of time possible. These exercises bridge the gap between strength and speed and can improve performance in vertical jumping, long jumping, sprinting, and sprint cycling. During this phase, you will also be incorporating exercises for your chest, back, and balance. The medicine balls and other platforms will also be introduced to create instability.

Phase 3 is the Performance Phase and focuses on performance, lasting approximately 3 to 4 weeks. During this phase, you will be introduced to Post Activation Potentiation (PAP). This is a form of resistance training that can potentially maximize performance with explosive type movements, such as weightlifting, boxing, sprinting, high jumping, ski jumping, and throwing activities. P90X2 PAP workouts consist of performing weighted exercises immediately followed by explosive exercises. This DVD is extremely intense, so be prepared.

There are three different P90X2 programs you can order...

P90X2 comes in the Base, Deluxe, or Ultimate packages (the deluxe and ultimate packages include 2 additional workouts). When you add up the separate costs of the additional equipment included in the Deluxe and Ultimate packages, upgrading is definitely the best option. I bought the Ultimate package to avoid having to try to source the optional equipment elsewhere which would have easily cost an additional $200 or more. If you can't upgrade, rest assured that you can still achieve awesome results using the Base package since the DVDs show you how to modify each routine if you don't have the optional equipment.

So what's in the P90X2 system? Here's the list for the Ultimate package: - A total of 15 DVDs (1 is the How To, 2 are added bonus workouts for ordering the Ultimate package) - A comprehensive fitness guide that describes the program as well as science behind it - A revamped nutrition guide - A workout calendar - Tony Horton's Power Stands - A 55cm Stability Ball - Two 8 lb medicine balls - A Rumble Roller for kneading the soreness out of your muscles

The Base package only includes 12 workout DVDs & the How To DVD. It also includes the fitness & nutrition guides and the workout calendar.

The Deluxe package adds the 2 additional workouts, the stability ball, 2 medicine balls, and the basic foam roller.

Some of the P90X2 workouts call for equipment that isn't included in any of the packages. I suspect it's because weight and size would be excessive if they were. That being said, I purchased three extra medicine balls. One additional 8 lb medicine ball to match those that came with the Ultimate package in addition to two additional 12 lb medicine balls for variety.

If you've watched any of the videos, you'll see Plyo Boxes used in some of the workouts, but these can easily be substituted with chairs if you don't want to purchase them.

Bottom line...P90X2 is going to help you achieve a level of physical fitness you never thought achievable!

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