Does a high protein diet affect blood sugar levels?

By William Curtis

As a nutrition conscious medical doctor, I field plenty of nutritional queries about protein within my regular course of practice everyday. There a large number of misconceptions about what particular food types can do once they enter the body. Let us take a look at how a high protein diet affects blood glucose.

Protein needless to say originates from many sources (Meat, eggs, beans, legumes, etc.) and finds utilization by numerous parts of our body such as:In the role of enzyme catalysts, transport molecules (Hemoglobin-carries oxygen within our blood), Storage molecules (Iron stored as ferritin within the liver), Major component of muscles, bones, skin, Immune function/control, Control of cell growth, and a major aspect of hormones (signaling systems in our body) In my experience with diabetics consuming proteins does NOT affect blood sugars dramatically. (CERTAINLY DOESN'T CAUSE ELEVATIONS IN SUGAR OR FAT STORAGE)

Actually, encouraging a substantially higher proportion of protein within the diabetic diet or those dieting tends to bring about weight loss and improved blood glucose control. Limiting starches, sugars and sweets (especially sodas, juices etc.) along with pushing the consumption of proteins and certain essential fats remains a mainstay of my diet recommendations.

Some believe that protein have more "Calories" than "Carbohydrates" therefore we should use caution eating them or we'll get fat. Non-sense. Proteins require greater expenditure of one's energy to process throughout the digestion process. Proteins are converted into essential parts, used then to build other vital structures and repair the body. The entire process uses energy which results in less body fat deposition.

So, for the diabetic, for the individual vulnerable to elevated blood sugars or obesity, ensure that you raise the proportion of organically derived meats, eggs, legumes to your diet. High quality proteins will help diminish hunger between meals, stabilize insulin levels and eventually keep more balanced blood sugar control.

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