Child And Family Psychological Services

By Cherry Mercer

Many children throughout the country struggle with everyday issues that most of us take for granted. They may be bothered by the bright lights of the grocery store. The chaos and noise of the classroom and school cafeteria. These issues may seem trivial to most people but it can often be a sign that the help of child and family psychological services are needed.

Many problems manifest themselves very early on. People are often concerned about their child as early as the first year of two. Getting a complete evaluation is an important step. There are a significant number of children on the autism spectrum who really need a lot of professional help to increase their ability to function well in society.

An increasing number of children are being diagnosed on the Autism spectrum. This can range from fairly mild symptoms all the way to extreme cases in which the child is totally unable to function in society. Whatever the level of symptoms it is crucial to get an accurate diagnosis and begin a treatment plan. This should include social skills training, how to function in a small group, how to interact with peers and much more.

The entire family must be included in the treatment plan. Only with a solid and constant reinforcement of appropriate behavior will any changes be affected. The child must be surrounded by a loving and compassionate group of people. But this also has to include clear boundaries and behavioral expectations. The psychologist will explain to the parents the need for consistent behavior and firm rules.

Assessments and evaluations can take a long time, in fact in the region of five to twelve hours. This includes detailed testing ranging from developmental, emotional, behavioral and intellectual aspects, all the way to academic achievement and sensory problems. Once all the data has been analyzed a report is written. The family can then get together with the psychologist to discuss a diagnosis and then a treatment plan.

Every care and respect must be afforded to a youngster struggling with the devastating effects of autism or depression. However, this diagnosis should not be used to overlook bad behavior. Clear boundaries must be set and the youngster must know that inappropriate behavior will not be accepted. One of the best ways to make progress is to offer an acceptable alternative where ever possible.

Many behavioral problems can be traced to academic issues. Children who are struggling academically often begin to act out. A thorough evaluation can uncover problems like dyslexia, auditory processing issues and much more. Once treated the child will make significant progress and often the behavior issues disappear on their own.

Once the parents and siblings really understand what is behind their family members behavior it is a lot easier to cope. They can set up simple charts to help everyone complete homework and chores. Child and family psychological services are there to help and can really be a valuable resource.

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