By Rae Patricio

Neuropathy refers to pain caused by nerves in the body. Your nerves are the brain's communication line between it and the body. If anything goes wrong with this nerve network, you can be in a lot of pain and discomfort. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with nerve pain, from your Peabody chiropractor.

Symptoms of neuropathy can vary a great deal. For example, you may feel tingling or numbness is the feet, hands, or other areas. Pain can be in the form of a "burning" feeling. Some people experience sensations of being electrically shocked. Also, stabbing pain may result and you may notice muscle weakness.

Diabetes is a common cause of nerve related pain. It is vital to have your blood sugar under control if you expect to receive permanent relief from the pain. This may be accomplished with medication but it is also important to make permanent lifestyle changes.

If you are experiencing nerve type pain, you might find relief with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications. Your doctor may prescribe stronger pain medications and this can help. However, relief may only be temporary as pain drugs only serve to block pain and do not address the actual cause.

Neuropathy is often caused by minor misalignment within the spine, known as subluxations. Because many nerves pass through your spine, the slightest misalignment can irritate them, making you hurt. Chiropractic therapy is designed to realign the spine naturally, and bring relief.

Modern chiropractic has many kinds of therapy for nerve related pain. Many people find relief when massage or acupuncture therapy is included with spinal adjustment. Your chiropractic professional examines you carefully and checks for signs of neuropathy. Once the cause of your pain is uncovered, you will receive therapy that is custom designed to help you feel better in the least amount of time. You can rest assured that your chiropractic care is natural and safe, as well as effective.

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