Understanding Sickle Cell Anemia Prevention


By Harriet Porter

Many health conditions affect human being today. This is due to the various innovations by the human beings. There are diseases that are inheritable while others are transmitted by contact. You find many inheritable diseases are said to be incurable though there are relievers of the same condition. Sickle cell anemia prevention is a preventive measure that various medical officials are using.

People need to know that this condition directly affects red blood cells and the hemoglobin therein. From a biological perspective, hemoglobin carries oxygen along the blood vessels in your body systems. This suggests that people with lesser hemoglobin suffer suffocation due to lack of sufficient oxygen in their red blood cells. People with less hemoglobin may at times have fewer red blood cells that lead to anemic conditions.

Anemic condition would threaten someones life since suffocation might lead to death. These conditions cause lack of enough oxygen in the body tissues. You would differentiate healthy red blood cells from the infected ones by their shape. The shape of a normal blood cell appears in disc shape while the affected one would look like crescent moons.

Once you discover that you have this condition, you should do a number of things to prevent its severe effects in your body. Firstly, you need to have positive attitude towards yourself and your lifestyle. You should not live in self-condemnation that denies you the chance to appreciate who you really are. This would positively influence your psychology and feed your thoughts with good things about you. This is crucial for the longevity of your lifespan and peace of mind.

You should also ensure that you do not experience excess exposure to cold. It is important to keep yourself warm always especially in cold seasons. You should have warmer cloths even when you are in air conditioned houses. Additionally, you should not swim in cold pools since cold is a predisposing agent to the development of cellular crisis in anemic condition.

Pregnant or expectant women with this anemic condition should adhere to earlier prenatal clinics and care units. This ensures that the life of both the child and the mother is safe. For you to achieve this, you need to talk to your personal doctor and share with them your fears and worries. They would be able to make your expectancy period healthier and promising.

One should properly feed to prevent the anemic condition. The concerned practitioners normally advise the patients to feed more on greens and fruits, these will help you increase the level of vitamin in their body. You know that your body requires high amounts of vitamins to ensure that hemoglobin in the blood.

In addition, you may also consider taking warm water in the recommended rate each day. This helps in the improvement of blood volume in your body. In connection to this, you need to avoid vices such as taking alcohol, smoking, and stress. This way, you may life for a long time before you experience symptoms of this condition and enjoy life in a healthier manner.

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