By Ida Dorsey

Liposomes improved the effects of the medication you use. Liposomal encapsulation is a form of nutrients that are protected by a thin membrane. They are very similar substances that make up ones cell allowing the nutrients to pass through the membranes in one piece and ready to work. This form of technology is not like pills and powder that one tends to take which tend to get flushed from the body.

A liposome is a circular vesicle made up of double layers and is liquid filled bubbles made from phospholipids. These are then used as a means of transportation for administering certain thick pharmaceutical drugs and nutrients. These drugs are a chemical substance made as a single active ingredient. They are normally packed in separate single packs and are used for external, internal as well as for all treatments, cures, and medical identifications.

The normal method when taking these in tablet, liquid or even powders form many do not get processed by the body therefore not getting absorbed like they should. These liposomes are made from essential phospholipids helping to protect the nutrient from getting destroyed by the digestive juices. There is a much higher success rate when used this way that the vitamin will be directed into the bloodstream and therefore into the cells.

The reason that people need to have vitamin C in their diet is because it helps to protect the cells from damage that is caused by free radicals. These radicals make their way through the body into the cells causing tissue damage, some diseases as well as aging. They are very unstable and in order to survive need to bond with other molecules which will damage the healthier ones even more.

It also helps to keep ones immune system healthy and supports collagen production which is essential for healthy looking skin and well as muscles and joints. It also helps to promote muscle repair and keeps gums looking well. They are also used by people that are on a Vegan, Paleo and Zone diet.

Nitrobenzene is an organic compound and is water insoluble yellow oil that has an odour similar to almonds. Once it is frozen they will become more of a greenish yellow crystal. When this compound is made on a bigger scale it changes from benzene to aniline. Occasionally when used in the laboratories they are used as a solvent.

A recent study shows that liposomal vitamin C is more able to produce serum levels at a much higher dose than though possible. It dramatically increases the absorption into the blood and thereby into individual cells. This process lasts from the time the vitamin has made its way towards the gastrointestinal tract until it has reached the targeted tissue.

With this newest technology of liposomal encapsulation by medical researchers transferring different drugs that promotes healing to different organs in the body can be done at a much faster speed. Many nutritional companies are finding this method much better and are utilizing this technique. This is an oral way of taking dietary supplements.

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