By Katy Parfait

When individuals with disfiguring scars on the face caused by an accident, surgery, or infection are seeking help, they can find solutions at a Michigan facial center. Advancements in healthcare make it possible for physicians to use various techniques to repair damaged skin. Local clinics offer facial remedies MI residents can rely on.

Laser resurfacing is a procedure that creates a smoother surface by removing the skin's top layer. At the same time, the laser penetrates below the surface layer to tighten the skin. Patients wear goggles during the session for protection against the laser. Twilight sedation and a local anesthetic are used to control the pain.

One tool dermatologists can use on deep scars is a CO2 laser. Recovery from this type of procedure takes about two weeks. For shallow scars, the dermatologist will use a YAG laser. This is a less powerful laser so patients do not need as much anesthetic and the recovery period is shorter.

Fractionated resurfacing is minimally invasive and most patients require very little, if any, recovery time. This procedure removes damaged skin cells leaving multiple microscopic holes. This stimulates collagen production beneath the skin's surface. The holes are repaired as the body generates new skin cells. Results are less dramatic than those seen with full laser resurfacing.

A third option for eliminating scars is non-ablative resurfacing with an infrared laser. This device heats up the deep layers of skin. Cool water sprayed on the skin minimizes any damage to its surface. Some patients report discomfort during the procedure but one advantage is the short recovery time.

Each patient is different so the dermatologist will determine which procedure is the most appropriate. The extent of the damage will often dictate the proper course. Patients who visit a reputable facial center can improve their appearance and quality of life.

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