By Clyde Banosia

Most people do not think much about their mattress until it starts causing them discomfort. It is quite important that a person understands the role sleeping surfaces have on maintaining proper spinal alignment. While asleep, this structure is responsible for providing support for one's skeletal frame from the shoulders down to the hips. When seeing a low back pain chiropractor Mill Creek Geneva, discussing the firmness and condition of one's bedding will help clarify the issues.

It is first important to understand that soft, comfortable mattresses are not always best for people who have back problems. This is because a mattress that sinks down in the middle may cause your spine to curve during the night. This combined with the added pressure from your body is the perfect set up for lower back pain.

A mattress that is too hard can also cause problems since you need some support for your lower back. A very firm mattress is especially rough on people who tend to sleep on their stomach since it may push your back outward. For most people, a medium to medium-firm mattress works best for preventing lower back pain.

However, it is also important to keep in mind that your pillow and sleep position will play a role in helping you to find the greatest amount of comfort at night.

People tend to procrastinate purchasing a new mattress because of the expense. However, if one buys a good quality mattress, it should be about a decade before it will need replacing. The regular pressure of a person's body weight will eventually wear down the springs and padding over that time. Cheaper mattress may have to be replaced sooner, which may be indicated by a noticeable dip in the place where one normally sleeps.

When one considers that most people spend an average of about eight hours sleeping on the same mattress each night, it easier to see how it can affect their bodily comfort and spinal alignment. Chiropractic care can be made even more efficient when all things that may have contributed to an individuals discomfort are taken into account.

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