By Jeff Arnold

Patients who suffer from Back discomfort know how tough it can be to discover the exact problems within their backs. Even more tough is finding the right treatment.

Often chiropractic therapies are effective because their holistic approach in actually handling the spine of a conscious patient. An experienced physician has a sort of sixth sense aided by an enhanced sense of touch and an awareness of pain. Sometimes physical therapists have a similar understanding. However even they cannot know for certain what lies on the inner side of a human spine. Though they palpate, and interpret tension in parts of the back to gain an understanding of the spine, they aren't all knowing.

Unfortunately when chiropractic therapies fail because of bone or disk deterioration, or other severe damage, one is forced to go to an orthopaedic surgeon. Back surgery should always a last resort as treatment for a back ache. Unfortunately with lower back soreness it is sometimes the only answer. Only after one has tried every other resource, worn back braces and seen many physical therapists and received spinal decompression therapy from a few different surgeons should they consider surgery.

A revolutionary new diagnostic tool enables surgeons to prepare better for a specific surgery. ACRM Corp has brought a whole new dimension to Back discomfort diagnostics and pre surgery evaluation. The new process creates a three dimensional model of a specific patient's spine, based on CT and MRI scans. This enables the surgeon to completely examine and even practice on a working replica of the patient's entire back in a way previously impossible. The procedure is brand new and so many orthopaedic surgeons still aren't using it. Eventually it is expected to become the industry standard. Eventually three-dimensional models of each spine will probably be made mandatory before surgery.

The cost of an average 3D model is only a thousand dollars, or about half the price of an MRI scan. Back surgeries often cost over $150,000 dollars. Thus having a 3-D model created is quite cost effective as an additional diagnostic tool which will improve the outcome of a costly and potentially dangerous procedure. Patients should request, or at least suggest 3-D models to their orthopaedic surgeons who may not be aware of this very recent development. Three-dimensional models might also be useful to other non surgical situations as well.

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