By Juliette Cruz

Millions of individuals around the world suffer from a potentially debilitating disorder called arthritis. It is generally chronic rather than acute and is characterized by inflammation and joint pain. It typically strikes those who are age 50 or older, although it is possible to develop the condition at any age. In most cases it is hereditary in nature. When seeing an arthritis doctor Washington patients should not forget to report any of their symptoms and inform the physician if a family history of the disorder is present.

To design a proper plan of care, the patient and physician must first isolate the type of arthritis the person has developed. This will make it easier for the medical professional to recommend the best medications and most suitable treatment plan. Living a virtually pain-free life is possible when the disorder is present, but an appropriate care plan plays an essential role in reaching this objective.

Over one-hundred different forms of the disorder have been identified by medical researchers, but the majority of them fall into one of two categories, which are osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. RA is the abbreviation for the latter. Certain patients live a normal life as their symptoms are quite mild. In other cases, the person may have excessive, chronic pain that is debilitating in nature. Those in this category often find that their quality of life has decreased.

In order to identify the precise type of the disorder the patient has, x-rays are usually ordered. Additional tests may be recommended as well, such as blood work or a bone scan. Care plans will vary depending on the extent to which the disease has progressed prior to the patient seeking medical help.

The most frequently diagnosed form of the condition is osteoarthritis. It can cause problems in any joint; however, it most frequently afflicts the hips, knees, and the back. The main symptom individuals typically experience is the destruction of cartilage. Once this has started it will not slow down, as a cure for the disorder has thus far eluded medical researchers.

RA is also one of the more common types of arthritis. However, unlike the kind mentioned earlier, RA is regarded as a disease of the immune system. It happens when a person's body mistakenly identifies his or her own tissues as something foreign and attacks them, resulting in swollen, red joints. It is common in the hands, knees and feet at first, but then steadily spreads until most of one's joints are affected.

Treatment for both kinds of the disorder typically includes physical therapy and medication. The goal of former is to help individuals to improve their range of motion and strengthen their muscles so that pressure is taken off the joints. Medications include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and opioid analgesics. RA patients are often treated with prednisone or other steroids as well.

The aforementioned treatments fail to provide substantial relief to patients, surgical procedures may be necessary. For example, synovectomy surgery, which is the removal of the joint's destroyed lining, is often recommended for patients with RA. Joint replacement is typically the surgery of choice for those suffering from osteoarthritis. When selecting an arthritis doctor Washington residents should obtain a recommendation from their family doctor. Anyone who is experiencing severe or recurring pain should schedule an appointment with a medical professional.

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