How To Make An Exotic Perfume

By Serena Price

If one has the knack for creating good scents and perfumes, then he may actually turn this into a business because a lot of people purchase unique smelling scents. Now the first thing to know about an exotic perfume would be to know how to make use of the right ingredients and materials. Now if one is going to pursue this type of business, then try following some of these steps.

Now in order to create some solid scents, then one would be needing some essential oils that may be found in specialty stores. Now usually they could be found in health stores or stores related to that. Now one may even find some of these essential oils in some department stores or even in some supermarkets.

So the very first thing to do here would be to get a glass container that does not contain any dirt. Now just to be sure, wash the glass and make sure that there are no substances inside of the glass otherwise the smell will be affected. Now when that is done, one has to now fill the glass container up with some rubbing alcohol.

Once that is done, set the glass container aside first and then go straight to the kitchen. Once there, bring out a small sauce pan and get some beeswax and some almond oil. After that, put one tablespoon of both beeswax and almond oil into the pan and cook it over a small fire until the beeswax melts.

When the beeswax has already dissolved, then one may bring out his creative juices and and mix around some scents. Now the scent of the perfume would come from the essential oils and the smell would differ depending on the combination of the oils. It is for this reason that one may actually mix different essential oils to come up with a lot of different smells.

When one has already chosen his combination, then he should put it into the pan and start stirring it. Make sure to stir it with a wooden stick as using a metal spoon or stirrer will actually affect the quality of the scent. Now just to add a kick to it, one should put five drops of vanilla oil into the mix.

After doing this, then one should now put the end result in a new and dry container that does not have any holes. This glass container has to be very tight so that the scent can blend into the liquid while it is cooling. So once it has already been placed into the container, then one just has to let it cool for around thirty minutes.

So for those who are interested in making an exotic perfume, try to use this guide in order to do it. Of course the smell of the perfumes would depend on the combination of essential oils that were used. That is why one must have a very strong sense of smell in order to see which oils would go together.

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