By Lonnie Hahne

If someone is having a difficult time getting to sleep at night, talking to a counselor is often the first step to getting over it. Medication should be the last choice. The Chicago insomnia care center does not rely on pills in most cases.

A relatively brief period of sleeplessness may be due to travel and the various time differences that entails. Although stressful, it is short-lived. However, if it becomes a chronic problem, there may be something else that is more serious taking place.

If so, it can only be overcome by dealing with the thing that is causing it. Your lifestyle and habits will have to be scrutinized. In many instances, psychological counseling may help to understand the situation and what causes it.

Many of the prescription medications taken for sleeplessness are addictive. For that reason alone, it is inadvisable to resort to them in most cases. Trying everything else first may reveal the answer to the problem.

If an emergency causes inability to sleep, it may be beneficial to use a sleeping medication for a short time. Some things, such as a death in the family, are so traumatizing that it is necessary to help the individual escape through sleep. This should not continue for more than a week.

In some cases, insomnia happens concurrently with another illness. This is referred to as a comorbid situation. It can occur with anxiety, clinical depression or any painful disorder such as arthritis. The sleeplessness encourages the comorbid condition and vice versa.

If the person cannot easily fall asleep at bedtime, that is referred to as onset sleeplessness. If the individual is unable to stay asleep it can be called maintenance insomnia. Once this person wakes up in the middle of the night, he or she will find it difficult to get back to sleep.

Chronic sleep disorder may start out small and develop into a chronic problem. Then a professional may give the person the optimal chance to overcome it. Healthy living, nutritional food and exercise all contribute to healthy sleeping habits.

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