By Loraine Roane

Leg pain may be the result of sciatica, which is severe. When the thick nerves running down the back of the legs are inflamed it can cause disabling pain, usually affecting one leg. A Knoxville chiropractor uses manual adjustments to alleviate the pain.

The sciatic nerve branches off into smaller nerves that serve the hips, legs, feet and toes. When they are inflamed, the pain can be sharp. In some cases it may be a dull ache. There may be numbness as well.

When there is a subluxation of the lumbar vertebrae, it may press against a nerve causing pain. Subluxation is a term used by chiropractors meaning a misalignment. A series of adjustments can gradually move the spinal bones back into the original position.

A herniated disc occurs when the gel-filled sac that cushions the vertebrae bulges out between these small bones. Each disc functions in a way that is similar to what shock absorbers do for an automobile. The disc in a healthy state does not protrude.

Someone can play sports in a way that causes leg pain. Legs may cramp, feel weak or feel numb. When these cramps go on for a long time, there may be something else causing the pain.

A chiropractor must carefully evaluate the situation before any care plan can be initiated. Questions, a physical exam of the back and legs, and possibly watching the person walk can all contribute to an accurate assessment. All information can help to plan successful care.

One thing that people like about chiropractic care is that it uses no medication, prescription or otherwise. Another is that it is non-invasive. A series of gentle adjustments to relieve pressure on the nerves and realign the vertebrae provides pain reduction, sometimes quickly.

Care will differ slightly for each person suffering from sciatica. Each individual responds to adjustments at their own pace. The speed of improvement depends upon many factors. They include general health, age and how intense the pain is.

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