By Karina Frost

Cancer is a disease that attacks particular body organs and causes malfunctions in them. It happens as a result of irregular cell growth. These cells grow abnormally and cause the formation of a growth also called a tumor. The swelling also moves to other healthy parts of the body and infects them too. These tumors hinder proper functionality of the organs and with time total failure. This is what makes the usefulness of bladder cancer research activities a crucial aspect.

The things that cause this monstrous life-claimer are numerous and widely spread. Some people are very unfortunate as to be born with this condition flowing in their systems. Others just lead their lives recklessly and end up with it. This condition can be hereditary in nature that is parents pass it onto their offspring. It can also be caused by exposure to harmful radiation and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

During development, this disease is usually very silent and shows no signs or symptoms whatsoever. It first attacks one body organ and grows till a tumor develops in that organ and then it spreads to others. Some of the organs this condition attacks include the lungs, liver, bladder and many others. It is actually named according to the organ that it infects first.

Among the various kinds of cancers known to man is bladder cancer. It is called so because it localizes the tumor in the bladder. It is a membranous organ that forms like a balloon in a body and is useful for storing urine. These sick cells develop on the inner side of particular organ and cause a swelling. This swelling can be wound like at times. The nodule makes urine storage hard and painful to the victim.

Just like any other bodily condition, bladder cancer has several signs to show. One of them is harsh pains are experienced in particular infected organs. The person feels exuberating pains when using the infected organ. In this case, the pain is felt when the person is urinating. This is caused by irritation of wound in the bladder. This person is also gets tired very easily and gets frequent fevers. They also suffer acute weight loss.

This condition can be prevented from occurring through healthy living. One has to eat balanced diet and reduce consumption of chemicals in food. Involvement in regular exercise routines also helps to prevent this condition. In addition, habits such as smoking of tobacco and use of alcoholic drinks should be prohibited if not highly controlled. Observing all this will reduce the chances that one contracts this terrible condition.

Unfortunately a cure has not been developed yet for this terrible disease. The best that can be done is to apply methods of control to the various signs and symptoms of the disease. None of available solutions eliminate the cause of this disease but they just reduce the intensity of it. The most common methods are surgery and chemotherapy.

Developments in these methods are being made very day. Research activities are in motion even right now in attempts to discover more effective ways to deal with this condition. At this rate very soon a cure will have been formulated and people can fear this monster no more.

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