Points To Consider When Having Eyelash Extensions

By Claudine Hodges

For the past years, several women have utilized all means to enhance their appearance especially when it comes to their eyes. There are actually many ways to do it such as using mascara, which has become very fashionable. It was followed by false eyelashes and so on. One must be careful however when doing it as it can affect their eyes.

If you plan to apply any of the methods then assure it is applicable and safe for you. One of the most popular these days is eyelash extensions Las Vegas. A main difference must be considered between false eyelashes and the extensions. A false one is a reproduction of new ones on a base that is glued to your eye lid.

A false one can be removed easily and can only last for a short time to enhance your appearance. The extension includes several individual lashes that must be glued to the current lashes and could last for around several weeks before you need to touch it up again. The extensions weigh almost naturally the same with the original ones.

All extensions will not exhaust your lids because they are known to work well. They are created using fiber or real human hair. A synthetic material or mink hair can be applied as well. The common one is usually made of mink hair or fiber. The beautician must determine the real condition of the lashes first and foremost.

The expert will select those that are likely to give you a more stable foundation. Each procedure is applied to your existing eyelash using a special glue. Each lid will need around fifty to one hundred extensions to have a good looking nature. It must taken care of properly after the process is being applied.

In the first 24 hours, you have to prevent any water contact as the glue bond on the eyelashes has to set properly. After the procedure, you must avoid an oil based eye make up or remover because the oil can weaken the glue. The schedule for replacement must be taken note as well. It can last as long as the hair is still attached to the eyelid.

There are natural ones that last for almost or exactly forty days. Those fake ones will not last for long that is why a touch up must be done if you want to maintain it. It should be done every four days. One can still go swimming after everything has totally dried. You can do whatever you want after day or weeks of applying the procedures. It is indeed very vital to do the correct procedure.

The eyelashes can also be taken off with the help of a trained beautician. You can have it removed in your own home but it can be a very time consuming process and really demand several attempts before everything is removed. There are definitely no side effect unless if you are allergic to the fibers used in manufacturing them.

If you know you have any type of allergy to fibers and solvents then you need to inform the expert in advance to get rid of various health complications. Avoid using any oil based make up or material to avoid affecting the quality of the glue. It should be utilized well to ensure its outcome.

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