By Brenda Warner

Many people tend to confuse shoe inserts and habitual footpads. Shoe inserts refer to any kind of non-prescription foot support designed to be worn inside a shoe. Unless the pad is a doctors prescription and made to fit ones specific foot it remains to be termed as shoe insert. On the other hand, custom orthotics are specially-made devices designed to support and comfort a persons feet.

Some benefits of shoe inserts are mentioned below. They help in relieving foot and leg pain. Secondly, they support your arches but they cannot cure long- standing foot issues. Fashion orthotics are known to help in aligning and supporting the foot hindering foot ailments and bettering the overall functioning of the foot. They support your arches, but they cannot correct bio-mechanical foot problems. Habitual devices on the other side hinder foot deformities and also help in bettering the entire functioning of the foot.

The major known types of shoe inserts include the following . Arch supports is the first one. People tend to have high, low or flat feet. Such ankle supports just as the name suggests are made to support the heel making one feel comfortable. A second type of shoe inserts is insoles. These are meant to fit into your shoe to provide extra cushioning. They are often made of foam.

Thirdly, there are heel pads which also provide extra cushioning in the ankle region. In most cases these are used by patients who have foot pain generated by age-related thinning of the heels. Foot cushion which is the last type prevent your shoes from rasping against each other.

Prescription orthotics are divided into two categories. The first category is functional devices designed to control abnormal motion. They may be used to treat foot pain caused by abnormal motion. Functional pads are usually made of a semi-rigid material such as plastic. Accommodative devices are softer and meant to provide additional cushioning and support. They can treat several diseases including foot ulcers.

Some of the guidelines one can use while purchasing their foot inserts include the following. First and foremost, your health should come first. Diabetic conditions have become very common and therefore consulting foot experts before buying your fashion pads is advisable. Shoe inserts bought over the counter therefore are not safe not only for diabetic patients but also those with blood circulation ailments.

Similarly, before going for a type of shoe insert, you have to think about its purpose. Some may want a habitual or those for marathon purposes and others may need them just to support their ankles while walking. Carrying your shoes to the store sounds wise as you purchase your foot pad. Slip the insert into your boots or any other shoe you would like it to feel comfortable.

To sum up, you should try to fit in your foot inserts after purchasing them. Many people in Longmont CO assume that the or those will fit them. Remember this is something you plan to be using daily and failure to try it out you might end up regretting. It is not necessarily to try out the insert at the store you can as well ask for returning the receipt if the foot pad fails to fit you at home.

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