By Sharon Hughes

Obesity continues to be a big problem for many adults and children in the United States. According to research, over one third of the entire US adult population is obese. This trend is expected to continue with more adults and children reaching weight levels considered to be obese. To that end, several methods of weight management have been developed including liposuction. Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery for removing fat from various parts of the body. When in need of undergoing liposuction Michigan is the place to visit.

Liposuction also has several named it is referred to by. These names include liposculture suction lipectomy, lipoplasty, and lipo. Currently, the process is being performed on different body parts. The main parts are pubis, back, cheeks, breasts, abdomen, inner knees, calves, inner and outer thighs, hips, flanks, necks, and buttocks among others.

Lipo emerged as an evolution from the works of European surgeons in 1960s. Back then, surgeons widely used curettage techniques, which were widely ignored because they led to excessive bleeding and high mortality rates in patients. The modern version of this process, which is in wide use today originated from the works of two Italian gynecologists in 1974. The adoption in the mainstream society was due to the presentation of a French surgeon in 1982.

Optimization has been achieved in the process through several modifications. Its popularity in the US is very high. In fact, most Americans underwent lipo more than any other surgery in 2006 and 2011 according to statistics. Mostly targeted areas in women are buttocks, arms, abdomen and thighs. In men, chests, flanks, and abdomens are operated more commonly.

Not everyone is suitable as a candidate in this process because of the many complications involved. In fact, medical practitioners do not consider it a better alternative to exercise or dietary approaches. One needs to be in good general health and be 18 and above. Additionally, they need to be on an ongoing regimen of diet and exercise. Another prerequisite is presence of fatty pockets in areas that need to get operated.

Slim chances exist for people suffering from infections, diabetes, and circulation or heart conditions to qualify as candidates. Also, skin has lower chance of tightening around the region operated in old people because it has lost elasticity. That is why elderly people are discouraged from undergoing the process.

Surgeons have specific goals that they must achieve in any surgical operation of this kind. The first one is ensuring that they derive a precise amount of fat depending on personal preference and obesity level. Secondly, no disruption should be caused to neighboring tissues. Thirdly, bodily fluid balance must be left uninterrupted after the surgery. Lastly, the patient must be kept as comfortable as possible during and after the operation.

Before two weeks to the surgery, it is advisable not to consume any form of anticoagulants. In normal operations, surgeons administer sedatives or general anesthesia and most surgery happen in the mornings. One is advised to fast from the midnight of the second night before the process. Additionally, surgeons discourage people from smoking if they are having the surgery in two month.

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