By Haywood Hunter

Most people used to just lie in the sun and get a gorgeous suntan. Unfortunately, advances in medicine have taught everyone that this is not safe. The solution is using self tanning products.

You would think that sitting in the sun would be a good idea. In fact, a small amount of ultraviolet rays are healthy and provide vitamin D. However, burning the skin is not healthy and can lead to skin cancer.

A lot of people prefer the healthy glow of a good tan. It brightens your complexion and makes you look more youthful and healthy. However, medical advances have shown us that ultraviolet rays can be very harmful. Even too much time in a tanning bed can cause the same damage as the sun. The solution is to use self tanning products.

Self tanning products come in a wide array of forms such as lotions, towlettes, milk, and cream. They all work because all self tanning products include DHA, which combines with your own amino acids to produce a beautiful tan. Although it only takes a few short hours for the tan to show up it can last from several days to a week.

Self tanning products can only produce a good tan if you put it on correctly. The first step is to make sure you thoroughly exfoliate the skin before you apply the product. Once you have completely dried yourself then you should put on gloves. You then apply it to your entire body and may want to have help with hard to reach places like your back. After you have applied the product wash your hands thoroughly to remove the excess product. Then set the self tanning products by using a hair dryer for a few seconds over the product.

Some people prefer to get their tan in a spray booth. It is easier than applying product but also more expensive. The salon will sometimes come to your house or you can go to the salon. Then they use a paint sprayer to apply the DHA product. Tans from this process last the same amount of time as self application.

The first type of self tanning products that were released often turned the skin orange and had a strong smell. Using cheap self tanning products, or overdoing the application, can still cause these problems. However, if you use the higher end self tanning products this should not happen.

Spray tans are expensive and out of line for many people. They typically cost as much as $50 for one session. While lotions and mousse can also cost up to $50 they can be used multiple times. If cost is a factor then this may be something to consider when choosing your self tanning products.

Healthy, glowing skin can be easily achieved with the use of self tanning products. There are many different types, including mousse, creams, and spray. Whatever your choice there is no excuse to turn up without beautifully tanned skin.

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