By Melisa Carlucci

Chiropractors assist their patients in the management of a vast number of disorders, including temporomandibular joint disorders, otherwise known as TMJ. Disorders affecting the jaw are quite common and many people unknowingly suffer from them. If you believe you may be suffering from TMJ, you should consult with a Redondo Beach chiropractor.

TMJ is a fairly common disorder since the jaw is easily becomes misaligned through a variety of processes over a person's lifetime. A chiropractor can provide you with information about the most common causes of this disorder so that you may refine your lifestyle to avoid them. Your chiropractor may also recommend the use of spine and jaw adjustments to further assist in the management of your condition.

Stress is a fairly common cause of health issues affecting the jaw. When you become overly stressed due to a busy lifestyle, you may end up grinding your teeth by accident. For this reason, your chiropractor will likely recommend the use of a variety of techniques that are designed to reduce stress.

To address your symptoms directly, your chiropractor may recommend the use of advanced massage therapies. Massages applied directly to the jaw can help correct any misalignments that may be present. This gentle repositioning of the jaw will ultimately promote healing and reduce the severity of any pain the patient may be experiencing.

A revision of the foods you eat may also be recommended by your chiropractor. Foods that are difficult to chew can contribute to TMJ symptoms. By avoiding these foods as much as possible, a reduction in the severity of your symptoms may be easily achieved.

Chiropractors even provide their patients with exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the jaw bone. The regular use of these exercises will help to correct any bad habits you have developed over time. Once your jaw is limited to a healthy range of motion, the severity of your symptoms will likely be greatly reduced.

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