By Melisa Carlucci

Scoliosis is a structural curvature of the spine that occurs in various degrees. It is sometimes slight enough to be almost undetectable. It tends to develop when a child reaches puberty and is not found more frequently in one gender than the other. In an adult, spinal adjustments may be appropriately used to relieve pain as a Plainfield chiropractor can attest.

According to researchers, chiropractic adjustments cannot straighten the curvature of the spine caused by scoliosis. However, they may be able to alleviate the pain it causes. They are not used excessively because that could aggravate the arthritic condition that may exist in the aging individual. Used appropriately, they can relax tightened muscles and loosen the stiffness of arthritic joints.

In some cases, scoliosis is caused by muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy. In others it is of idiopathic origin. Someone with this condition may turn to chiropractic care for pain relief as he or she grows older.

During your first office visit your back is examined to determine if scoliosis is present. It is indicated by symptoms such as an uneven waist, having one hip higher than the other and one shoulder higher than the other. Also, one shoulder blade may be bigger. It is possible for a person to have a mild curvature of the spine that causes no pain until the aging process affects the condition of the vertebrae.

The spine will be palpated and you may be asked to bend forward at the waist to be observed. A medical history will be taken to document the findings. Your chiropractor may take an x-ray or rely on a recent one taken by another health care professional. If chiropractic care is contraindicated in your case, you will be advised of that.

An appropriate candidate will be scheduled for a series of office appointments for adjustments. A mild exercise routine may be designed for you to use at home. Your chiropractor cannot straighten the curvature of the spine caused by scoliosis. However, his or her care may be effective in alleviating your pain.

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