By Mark Marabut

Structural problems that contribute to neck pain, requires therapeutic support strategies to alleviate restrictions. There are many factors responsible for upper cervical discomfort including whiplash, poor pillow support and misalignment. The services delivered by a Foxboro MA chiropractor includes an assessment of function and healthcare techniques to encourage joint, nerve and muscle balance.

Sustaining force in a car collision or similar accident can cause whiplash injury to the neck. The trauma causes damages to the joints and surrounding soft tissue, impinging the nerves and making movement difficult. Medication cannot recover such injuries relying on the services provided by a reputable and an experienced chiropractor for structural health.

Accidents can cause misalignment of the upper cervical joints and agitate the surrounding spinal nerves. The completion of adjustments to the spine will shift joints into a balanced position to facilitate flexibility and a fully aligned state. The removal of physical disruptions to the nervous tissue will eliminate constraints and improve symptoms.

Swelling and strain of affected cervical muscles will reduce the ability to rotate the head and neck. A comprehensive therapeutic plan is created to support and rehabilitate function to prevent the development of scar tissue and enhance muscle flexibility. For severe tissue injuries, bracing may be required and exercises performed at a later stage to encourage healing.

The incorrect pillow and poor sleeping positions can compromise the health of surrounding cervical structures, tissues and sensitive nerves. Including an orthopedic pillow will maintain the proper upper spinal alignment and relieve any pressure placed on the surrounding nervous tissue. Implementing corrective methods and using the proper apparatus will encourage long term flexible function and balance.

Therapeutic care measures delivered by a chiropractor can prove beneficial to enhance well-being. Painful symptoms affecting regular head and neck movement require manual intervention to restore health and decrease pain. Management efforts developed in support of individual needs without the need for surgery or the use of prescription medication, offering safe and natural relief.

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