By Jesrel Madrid

An automobile accident can leave you with a painful condition even if it happens at a low speed. Resorting to pain medication, either over the counter or prescription, is only going to mask the underlying cause. Tallahassee chiropractic can help alleviate the pain you feel with safe alternatives.

Methods used include spinal adjustments, spinal mobilization, massage, nutritional advice, providing a customized exercise routine and postural correction. Prior to any care being provided, a full evaluation must be done. Making that first appointment with the chiropractor is the beginning of finding the best way to ease your pain.

The sudden stop that occurs in an auto crash causes a tear in soft tissue and pulls them apart. As a result, rough scar tissue forms. If it is ignored, an even more extensive buildup can result. When the crash causes the vertebrae to be subluxated, this misalignment can develop intervertebral disc herniation.

Scar tissue can lead to shortened muscles. Tendonitis can develop, resulting in a decrease in muscular strength and limited range of motion. When the vertebrae are out of place it results in pressure against the nerve roots, which can lead to herniation.

These conditions will be assessed by the chiropractor during your first office visit. You will be examined and questioned about the pain and how it limits your activities. When the assessment is complete it will reveal the best plan to provide the care you need.

Spinal adjustments are appropriate for correcting subluxations. A series of office visits are needed to administer them. Muscular relaxing massage may be used conjunctively. If so, both can be done during the same appointments. An exercise routine may be tailored to your specific needs. These increase and maintain flexibility.

It is not possible to predict at what rate your pain will be alleviated. Your general health and age affect that. With each successive appointment you can expect an incremental reduction. As you hurt less, you will be able to exercise more to advance your own healing.

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