Use The Top Bikini Wax Pittsburgh PA Specialists

By Roger Thomas

With the trends turning more and more people to exposing their bodies, the wish to remove unsightly body hair has never been higher. Whether you shave, tweeze, or use any other method of removal, the very latest and most popular is Waxing. Especially the bikini wax Pittsburgh PA experts offer!

Your first time can be extremely nerve wracking. What you expect might not be the end result. The reality is who really wants hot wax on your lady bits. Who would really pay good money for this, and then to have that hair ripped out from the roots. Well, if you are not put off yet, let's explain the truth of what goes on behind the salon doors.

For yourself, you should monitor your own body. Timing a waxing treatment during or close to your period may be more painful than any other time of a cycle. Give yourself a couple of days before or after.

Before attending your appointment you should shower and gently exfoliate the entire area to be waxed. Do not wash in hot water, but rather opt for a Luke warm temperature. This will open the pores, making the hair removal easier and much less painful. Do not apply creams or oils after bathing.

With any waxing treatment, your hair needs to be just long enough for the liquid to flow and set around the hair follicle to pull it out when the settled wax is removed. There is a general unspoken rule that the length should be a quarter inch. Leaving it to be longer can also present a problem with breakage, and therefore not being removed cleanly and ultimately causing considerably more pain. Some clinics recommend trimming hair that is more than this on the day of your booking.

Something that is not common knowledge is that a hair removed by the waxing process generally grows back softer. While a shaved hair, is harder and usually darker, making the new growth a lot more evident. There is enough problems with unwanted hair, so making your life easier by a once a month treatment instead of having to shave each day has to be the way to go.

It is very important to make sure that your body's acid levels are not too high before any such treatment. Your skins sensitivity is increased by a high level of acidity. Cut down on high intakes of Caffeine, smoking, and alcohol consumption for a few days before your appointment. These levels are reduced by administering TUMS up to 20 to 30 minutes before.

Remember to tell your technician the exact style you want before she starts to apply the wax. You should not be concerned if your beautician enlists your help during your treatment. It is important for her to apply the wax in the exact position and for it to be pulled off correctly.

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