By Katy Parfait

More people are turning to an all natural alternative approach to relieving pain. Many folks are experiencing the stiffness and pain of whiplash due to an auto accident. Whiplash is caused by an injury to the neck. A lot of people will not know that they have been injured for days after a collision. A Winnipeg chiropractor can help folks regain mobility and eliminate pain without the use of drugs.

If left unattended, this is a condition that can cause chronic pain and other health issues. A trained practitioner will address the whiplash and its issues without using any prescription or over the counter drugs or surgery. It is vital that people see a practitioner immediately following an auto collision.

Whiplash is an injury that effects the neck and is a common result from a rear end collision. The impact is so forceful that is causes the head to whip back and forth rather abruptly injuring the cervical spine by forcing the vertebrae out of alignment. Also, the muscles in the neck become strained which causes soreness, stiffness, and pain.

The chiropractic care provider can offer long lasting results by identifying the source of the pain and correcting the problem. Pain medications will only provide temporary relief and are not a solution for long term care. The medications do not help people recover mobility in their neck, shoulders, and upper back.

Adjustments to the spine are used to take pressure off muscles and the nerves. These adjustments will realign the vertebrae which immediately reduces the pressure. The provider also offers exercises that strengthen the muscles and help return a proper range of motion.

Anyone who has been in a car collision should see a chiropractic care provider as soon as possible. Beginning therapy right away is important for preventing additional damage to the spine. More folks are moving in the direction of alternative care because it is an all natural and non invasive approach.

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