By Ivy Catubig

Personal beauty and aesthetics is a perpetually growing business. Anyone wanting a career in one of the many fields involved in this endeavor can manage all of the requirements at a quality cosmetology school Sacramento.

Most beauty schools will take students with a high school diploma and take students year round. Choosing a cosmetology school Sacramento can be difficult - and you should look at factors such as cost, time, and whether the school properly prepares you to take the appropriate licensing tests.

With year round classes, it is possible to become a licensed Esthetician in as little as 15 weeks and a Cosmetologist in ten months if scheduling full time. Part time will, of course, take longer, but is easier to schedule around your work and life. In terms of cost, expect to pay about $14,000 for tuition, books and equipment for the cosmetology course and about $8,000 for the esthetics course.

Look for a school that has a good reputation and one which allows you to practice in a student salon, on real customers, to develop the experience you need under supervision so you are ready to get your license and go on graduation. Beauty school covers a variety of classes - for example, the cosmetology course includes areas like hair coloring, makeup and waxing.

It would be beneficial to verify that the courses one chooses are associated with their particular intended career field. Classes to be a cosmetologist typically cover services delivered in a salon, while aesthetics is usually more about those performed in various types of spas.

These days, a career as an Esthetician or Cosmetologist is a good way to get a reasonably paid, secure job without having to spend years in school. You can, of course, get financial aid and even scholarships to attend a good cosmetology school. Find out how to pursue the beauty career of your dreams today.

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