By Paul Stewart

Hair loss is associated with aging most of the time. However, ill health and certain procedures can lead to loss of hair. It might be sudden or proceed gradually over time. For young people, the loss might be difficult to bear. That is why there is a surgical procedure to take care of this. However, you need to prepare well for hair restoration Delaware.

The instructions usually come from the surgeon. They might be some variations depending on the surgeon. However, there are some general requirements. Vitamin C should be taken in plenty to ensure that healing takes place quickly after the procedure. It can be taken in form of tablets or in diet.

Drinking and smoking are prohibited in patients who are waiting to undergo the surgery. They interfere with normal blood flow all over the body. Cells which are not getting sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients take long to heal and are likely to die. Also, bleeding disorders are witnessed in patients who have been smoking or drinking before the procedure.

Just because you are having the surgery, do not disregard the normal cleaning procedures. The scalp should be washed the day you are undergoing the operation. However, you should leave it natural. Styling products or any other chemical items should not be applied prior to the process. Also, you should not cut the hair for a period of time so that the surgeon will have an easy time identifying donor site.

You will not be in a position to carry on with your normal activities. Therefore, ask a friend to help you. Driving is dangerous afterwards because the anesthesia drugs take some time to wear off. The probability of being involved in accidents is high. Also, heavy machines or objects should not be lifted. They can slip and injure you.

Prescription medication should not be taken prior to the surgery. Nonetheless, you have to consult your physician in case the condition they are controlling is critical. Also, ensure that the physician is in contact with your surgeon. On the other hand, you should be ready to take the medications prescribed after the procedure judiciously. They determine the period it will take for full recovery.

Eating should be stopped at midnight before the due date. The anesthetic agents used slow down the muscle activity in your body. Therefore, the bowels will not be working at a normal rate. When food stays too long in the bowel, the intestines can be blocked. It is an emergency situation which will require immediate surgical intervention.

The operating time varies. One of the factors which affects the length of time spend in the operating room is the extend of hair loss. When the restoration has to be done on a big area, you might be in the room the entire day. However, less time will be taken if the area is small. Nonetheless, you should not have other plans for the day. In case of complications, you will have to be admitted. Your companion does not have to spend the entire day at the hospital. He or she can come pick you up after the surgery.

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