How To Create A Bipolar Romance Novel Biography

By John Turner

Having a plot for your novel is one thing but developing the characters can be the tricky part. So, allow this article to guide you through that. You do not have to create heroes out of these people. On the contrary, you are advised to show how flawed they are so that more people would be able to relate to them.

You would have to introduce new challenges to every chapter of the story. A bipolar romance novel biography is expected to be dynamic. Thus, show how the protagonist would be able to deal with his condition. In that way, individuals who are in the same situation shall be convinced of giving your book a chance.

Everyone loves a responsible character. Thus, do not forget to include the element of family in your story. Again, you may feel like you are free to write whatever you want but that is not the complete truth. You have to make a survey on what works for the majority part of the market. Let that blend in with your creative ideas.

Show how protective this person can be towards other people. Nevertheless, his mental illness can remain to be a great barrier to fully loving someone. Everybody has their own limitations and the burden shall come in when you know that the condition is there to stay. This will put in all the other spices to your story and make it strengthen its appeal.

This person needs to be optimistic no matter what happens. Nobody wants to read about a lot of suffering without an inkling of hope in the near future. Thus, decide to share some of your daily mantras for the day. Let this project be a combination of your imagination and of the things which you personally believe in.

You should be able to create passionate love in the story even if you never had a boyfriend in your entire life. Being a writer will put you in constant struggle but in surpassing every obstacle, you will truly gain a lot of insights. So, do not give up on this hump and realize that several resource materials can be used for your references.

Go into detail with how the characters interact with other people. Always include the good with the bad since this has to be reality at its finest. When you make your readers get confused on whether they are reading fiction or the complete opposite, you already have their full attention. Expect them to finish the book and rave about it.

The integrity of the character can be challenged but you need to always have a solution for everything. Most people love happy endings and if you are able to provide them with that, you shall start becoming their favorite author. So, simply continue developing your style.

Do not forget about the theme that you are playing around. The elements of romance must not overshadow the mental issue which you want to introduce to the world. Again, be known by being a modern writer with a purpose and that shall inspire you to do more for society.

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