By Andre Ferlo

The human body operates as smoothly as a well oiled machine when it is maintained properly. Being in top condition is a matter of achieving optimal health through wise choices, regular check ups, and having correct alignment and posture. A Geneva chiropractor is capable of helping patients with nutritional guidance, pain management, stress and anxiety alleviation, and postural issues.

The human central nervous system is what runs the body. It consists of one's brain, which processes information and transmits messages via the second component - their spinal cord, which uses a neural network to send these signals to the various areas of a body. It is the translation of the mind's intention into chemical and electrical impulses that allow a person to move and feel.

There is an uniquely complex interaction known as the brain neuromatrix that generates a fascinating orchestration referred to as the mind-body-spirit connection. Brain and spinal cord symbiotically work together and essentially become a human super computer.

Correct posture is imperative to the human operations system being optimized. Proper vertebral alignment is crucial since the vertebrae that make up the spine are what protects the spinal cord that is the instrument by which one's brain communicates with the whole body.

The second step to proper posture is a professional assessment with a Mill Creek-Geneva Chiropractor. Once you have completed your professional assessment then you can begin a program of your own to retain and strengthen your posture.

To conduct a preliminary postural check oneself, the individual needs to obtain a photo showing them standing from the side, back, and front. Each printed on a different paper. A dot is placed on the side view ankle. On the front and back views, the dots are put between one's feet. Using a ruler, a line is drawn from the marks up to the center of one's head, and if all three do not align perfectly vertical, seeking chiropractic help could be beneficial.

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