By Kevin Gray

Right now, about 40 million adults living in the United States are suffering from anxiety. This form of mental illness can be quite debilitating due to the associated psychological and physical symptoms. Sooner or later, all kinds of health-related complications may come into being, too. Putting anxiety under control is of utmost importance. Those who prefer to attain relief without taking medications may consider obtaining San Diego rolfing therapy services.

It is completely normal for every person on the face of the planet to feel anxious from time to time. Actually, such is vital for one's continued existence. Anxiety is the reason why someone refuses to eat something that no longer looks or smells nice in order to avoid ending up with food poisoning.

However, it is a different story if there's anxiety all the time. Such can certainly keep the individual from having a fruitful and enjoyable day because having lots of intense fear can be incapacitating at times. Someone whose mind is constantly filled with thoughts that can cause apprehension or uneasiness is most likely to be suffering from an anxiety disorder, which is regarded as the most common form of mental illness in the United States.

Anxiety is known to cause a range of mental symptoms. An individual who is dealing with it usually encounters intense mood changes, sleeplessness and trouble with focusing. It's also very much possible for him or her to have a sense that a catastrophic incident is just waiting to happen. Feeling like he or she is going crazy is likely, too.

The presence of lots of anxious thoughts can give rise to numerous physical symptoms. Most of them are notorious for causing even more anxiety. Some common examples are chest pain, shortness of breath, a rapid heart rate, fatigue, dizziness and nausea.

Having anxiety all the time can actually leave the body really stressed. It's because of this why the individual is regarded as being at high risk of one day battling a wide variety of medical conditions. Anxiousness that takes place all the time is similar to encountering too much stress everyday, which is considered as unhealthy and risky, too.

Someone who is battling anxiety may end up being diagnosed with heart disease due to constantly elevated blood pressure readings and increased cholesterol as a result of intense stress. Having chronic aches and pains is a possibility, too, and it's something that can be associated with long-term muscle tension. There is also a probability for the person to wind up with depression, which is another very common form of mental illness.

It's a good thing that anxiety is a highly manageable issue, say mental health professionals. Such can be attained with the administration of medications. However, relief may also be obtained totally drug-free. A person may consider regular rolfing sessions especially if his or her intention is to manage the problem in an all-natural approach. Other than helping to reduce anxiety, this solution can also assist in warding off various associated complications.

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