By Mike Gate

Yeast infections are very common among women. In fact, very few of us will breeze through life without experiencing candida at least once. A yeast infection is caused by overgrowth of candida albicans in the vagina. This is often present in the vagina in small amounts, but can sometimes multiply and the cause discomfort. Fortunately, there is a lot of medication for yeast infection treatment.

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include intense itching and burning, swelling, redness and a white cottage cheese like discharge that smells of yeast. Yeast infections can range from mild to severe and the itching and burning can be so intense that they make urinating or sex painful.

Although you can pass the yeast infection onto your partner, it is not considered an STD. The yeast infection is caused by a fungus called candida albicans. Overgrowth of this fungus can be caused by wearing tight synthetic clothing, deodorants, creams or soaps that alter the sensitive PH balance in the vagina, your period, antibiotics, pregnancy, weakened immune system or the contraceptive pill.

There are many types of medication for yeast infection treatment that are available for purchase at a pharmacy. It is not usually necessary to visit the doctor or to have a prescription for this medication. However, it is recommended that you do visit your doctor if you are having recurring yeast infections as it could be a symptom of another health problem or could be indicative of an STD.

There are three types of medication for yeast infection: tablets, pessaries and creams. Pessaries are dissolvable tablets that are inserted into the vagina.

A very well known medication for yeast infection treatment is clotrimazole 2%. This antifungal drug is perfectly safe for pregnant women to use and works by preventing the candida to multiply. You can buy clotrimazole in different formulations such as a one day, three day and six day treatment. Creams usually come with applicators to make the cream easier to insert. Clotrimazole is marketed under various brand names.

Clotrimazole is available in pessary form as well. Some women prefer pessaries as they have a long lasting effect. Some woemen prefer the cream as it is very soothing - starting to work immediately. These days you can also purchase du packs that come with a pessary and a cream in the same box. Other antifungal creams that can treat yeast infections include: miconazole, mycostatin and nystatin.

If the idea of using creams sounds messy and does not appeal to you, then you may like to consider using fluconazole. This is an oral tablet that is taken just once to get rid of yeast infections. This is generally not appropriate for pregnant women and there may be other conditions that mean you cannot take it. You can ask your pharmacist for advice on this medication.

Most women will experience a yeast infection at least one time in their lives. Fortunately candida is easy to treat and there are many different kinds of medication for yeast infection treatment. If you have a partner, you should also get a cream for them to use so they do not pass the infection back to you after you have treated yourself.

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