Geary's "Micro" Workout

By Vitkor Kuhl

For busy people using the excuse that they don't have time to go to the gym, or for the people who don't like to sweat, Mike Geary developed a routine for you. His creative approach has been successful for thousands of athletes and blubber-bellied couch potatoes.

Let's believe that you have already started your routine to lose belly fat but are not seeing much change and your are bored with your current exercise program. You need to read further because you will discover a great idea.

If your traditional workout is going to the gym 3-5 times a week and weight training and cardio routines for an hour, you will now be working out for just a couple minutes at a time, several times throughout each day, 5 days/week.

The program will consist of only bodyweight exercises done for about 2-3 minutes, 6-8 times per day, throughout each day. If you have an office job, you need to be creative about where to do the exercises. If you are shy then you will have to only do exercises at breaks and schedule the other times before and after work. If you have a group of crazies, then do it together.

I am suggesting seven basic body weight exercises: 1) bodyweight squats, 2) pushups 3) forward, reverse, or walking lunges 4) up & down a staircase 5) floor planks 6) floor abs exercises such as lying leg thrusts, ab bicycles 7) one-legged bodyweight Romanian dead lifts

If you work a 9-5 day, I recommend doing your 2-minute workouts every hour, on the hour, with the exception of lunch. For example, you could try 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, and 4 pm. There are many variations of theses exercises so choose six times and stick to your schedule. I do have one caution: start with the one that fits your athletic ability. Don't prove that you deserve to be on Seal Team 6 when you really belong in the Beer Belly Bombers.

I made up a sample routine for Mon/Wed/Fri: 7 am - 10 pushups/15 bodyweight squats, 10 am - plank holds total of 3 minutes, 12 am - 5 pushups/10 bodyweight squats, 1 pm - plank holds (hold as long as possible in 3 minutes) 3 pm - 8 pushups/12 bodyweight squats 3 pm - plank holds, 5 pm - max pushups/max bodyweight squats in one set.

On Tues/Thurs: 7 am - 6 fwd lunges each leg/6 rev lunges, 10 am - one legged Romanian dead lifts (RDL) 6 each leg/floor abs, 12 am - 3 fwd lunges each leg/3 rev lunges, 1 pm - one legged RDL 3 each leg/floor abs, 2 pm - 5 fwd lunges each leg/5 rev lunges, 3 pm - one legged RDL 10 each leg/floor abs, 5 pm - max fwd lunges each leg/max rev lunges in one set.

Even though your "micro" workout lasted a few minutes, you've accumulated muscle development for almost every muscle throughout your body. You didn't have to break a sweat, although I know some of you serious athletes will sweat, and when work ends there is time for some more fun.

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