Bandage And Other Important Items A First Aid Kit Must Have


By Anne Christine Ramsay

First aid is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as an emergency care or treatment given to an ill or injured person before regular medical aid can be obtained. It encompasses procedures such as CPR and defibrillation as well as tools such as bandages which are also considered one of the must haves of a first aid kit.

As is often said, "Necessity is the mother of invention". This is proven by the number of innovations and inventions that now aid man's existence. First aid is also another example of a discovery that sprouted from necessity. By necessity, the prehistoric man developed methods to treat the illnesses and injuries that befell him. Nonetheless, the first recorded history of first aid dates to 1099. It was during this time when a religious order of knights-called The Order of St. John- trained to administer medical treatment.

It was in in 1792 when the first official army medical corps whose task was to administer first aid on the battlefield and where was formed by the French Army Surgeon General. By 1860, to protect and deal with sick and injured soldiers on the battlefield, the first Geneva Convention and the International Red Cross came into being. Over the years that followed, other organizations and first aid courses were established to provide first aid for a variety of purposes, especially in battlefields. By 1967, Marines began carrying individual first aid kits. These kits included bandages and other first aid tools that allowed the soldiers to treat themselves in case of injuries.

But what are the essential items that should be kept in a first aid kit? It is a must that a first aid kit is well stocked at all times, especially that injuries may happen at the most unexpected time. Among the supplies that should be included in a first aid kit are latex gloves. These are especially necessary as many diseases are transmitted by touching bodily fluids such as blood and urine. Bandages such as Band-Aids are also necessary as small cuts and scrapes are among most common injuries. For slightly larger cuts and bloody noses, sterile gauze bandages are also necessary. To tape bandages and for minor splitting like broken fingers, adhesive tapes should also be included in the first aid kit.

Aside from a bandage, other first aid supplies are ipecac syrups for patients who accidentally ingested poisonous substance and ammonia inhalants for fainting. A first aid kit should also contain tools such as all purpose scissors to cut cloth and bandages, splints, tweezers for removing splinters, safety pins, flashlights, recuse blankets, and cold packs. Also, in today's digital age, cellphones are considered first aid kit must haves.

It is indeed impossible to plan for the infinite possibilities of the world. Inevitable accidents may happen to anyone at anytime. As such, carrying a first aid kit stocked with first aid supplies like bandages or taking courses in first aid would definitely help one treat himself/herself in the event of an accident while waiting for professional medical care.

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