Genital Hpv: Genital Warts and How They Can Affect You


By James Wahlberg

Human Papilloma Ciruses (HPV) is a virus that infects humans. Some of the effects of the virus are associated with sexually transmitted diseases (STD's).

Over one hundred strains of the virus have been identified by Scientists. Most of these strains are harmless. Some of these strains can produce common skin warts which appear on the hands and feet. Approximately thirty strains are spread through sexual contact. Some of these thirty can cause visible warts known as genital warts, while others can cause cervical and genital cancer.

HPV in men is spread by surface contact. Specifically, skin-to-skin contact. A man using a condom might, for example, have a subclinical genital lesion that is not covered by the condom. If that skin comes in direct contact with his partner's skin, then, skin-to-skin contact has occurred, and transmission can occur despite condom use.

What you will generally not find is over the counter medication to treat genital warts. This is as the medications necessary to treat them will largely if not all need to be administered by trained medical personnel. Also, any over the counter medications available to treat other forms of warts is just not suitable for eradication of genital warts. This is because the ingredients used in these treatments are too strong to utilize on the sensitive genital area. Other than these various methods of treatment, you will find that there are natural remedies available as well. Generally the greatest number of these use herbs and other natural healing methods to cure someone.

The only safe way to prevent HPV transmission is to abstain from any contact with the genitals of others. Not even "safe sex", the use of Condoms, can provide complete protection from the virus. It's not advisable to just practice safe sex. Perfect Abstinence! Far more men than women carry HPV without knowing that they have it. They are completely without symptoms of any kind.

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