By Mario Harrell

Desiring whiter teeth is one that starts at a young age for most people. But, this doesn't have to be something that is just a dream. You can get whiter teeth learning the best techniques out there and following good advice. The advice in this article will give you the whitest teeth possible.

Refrain from using fluoride toothpastes. The chemical fluoride is found in food, water and soil. If exposed to a large amount of it, it can really discolor your teeth. A non-fluoride toothpaste is a safe alternative to keeping your teeth clean and white.

Read the directions on your teeth whitening products and be a stickler to following them to a tee. If you allow the products to remain on your teeth for an extended period of time, you could suffer from gum inflammation or teeth sensitivity. Additionally, it is best to avoid highly acidic drinks such as sodas after you have finished a teeth whitening procedure.

Avoid cigarettes, coffee and strong tea. These substances can cause dark brown stains on your teeth. If you still want to drink tea or coffee, use a straw, and clean your teeth immediately after. Taking these preventative steps will guard against some of the causative factors in dental discoloration.

Avoid cigarettes, wine and coffee. The chemicals found in each of these latch onto your teeth and cause stains. If these three items are things that you cannot live without, at least ensure that you brush immediately after using each one. Many companies are starting to make mini finger brushes that are mildly abrasive and can be used to clean your teeth if you do not have access to a toothbrush. The abrasive texture scrubs your teeth clean.

Go see your dentist for advice before using whitening treatments. If you have dental work that needs to be done, it is important to put off any attempts to whiten your teeth.

You may try brushing your teeth using the peel of a banana. This is easy and a lot of people do it! Try peeling a banana and make use of its peel to run across your teeth prior to brushing them. Then, brush your teeth in your usual way. This will instantly brighten your teeth.

Use some baking soda to brush your teeth. Baking soda makes an effective natural method in whitening your teeth. However, baking soda can slightly irritate your gums, so be sure to brush gently.

There is no need to have yellow stained teeth anymore. Brighten your smile at home with whitening products you can find at the grocery store. Professional whitening procedures exist, but they cost a fortune and home whitening products perform well for a fraction of the cost.

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