By Haywood Hunter

Sun Laboratories offer a wide array of skin products from tanning lotions to daily skin care products. In fact, Sun Laboratories has made a great advancement on self tanning lotions because they can now be used in place of a daily care lotion. The Sun Laboratories self tanning lotion can now be applied on a daily basis the way you would a daily care lotion.

You just do not know the grueling sacrifices these people have to go through in order to achieve the dark skinned color they want to have. Imagine, they will have to bathe in the sun for several hours and they do not just do it once or twice but some people would go to the length of bathing in the sun everyday. They deal with sunburn, which is twice as painful as getting a bruised knee or more.

Bathing in the sun is not healthy. In fact, it is dangerous as ultraviolet rays in the sun have been found to cause cancer. Because you want to get a tan is not a very bright idea to expose yourself to the ultraviolet rays of the sun and risk getting skin cancer.

When you expose yourself in the sun, the darkness in the skin is not achieved right away. The process can take long and there is no guarantee that you will have uniformed color all over your skin. More often than not, those who bathed under the sun did not have an even dark tone all over their body.

It is very difficult to calculate how much sun heat has hit on a particular part or side of the body and then have the same amount on other parts. It is not like that. Everything is done through gut feel. The result of sun exposure in terms of the dark color of the skin is not the same on all parts of the body. This is the one of the most challenging part of doing this method.

Another reason why Sun Laboratories self tanning products are better because of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. You cannot trust the sun these days. Ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer and you cannot expose yourself too much in the sun in exchange for a dark tone that is not even promised.

There is no guarantee that a few or more sun exposure will render your skin dark. A skin that is exposed to the sun will undergo peelings. A sunburn is very painful especially when it is on the back. It will be difficult to lie on your back because the skin covering has been peeled off.

The ozone layer that filters out these ultraviolet rays has been destroyed by the constant belching out of carbon dioxide into the air. Truly bathing in the sun is no longer safe for people. Aside from the dangers of sunbathing, the process of achieving a tan through the heat of the sun is a painful experience. The person will have to deal with first and foremost the heat of the sun searing through his skin.

When choosing Sun Laboratories self tanning products, there are a few things that you need to remember. The first one would be to find a Sun Laboratories product that fits perfectly your needs. In line with this, you may have to consider the type of skin you have. If you have sensitive skin, the more careful you are in selecting Sun Laboratories tanning products to use. The wrong Sun Laboratories product might irritate your skin and it is not good to irritate the skin as most irritations produce scars.

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