By Haywood Hunter

Anyone looking to get a tan indoors has a wide range of options when looking for just the right product. By doing a little research though, and following a few guidelines most people will find the best self tanner that will fit their needs without costing them too much money.

Most people may want to start off with a lotion that has a little lighter shade than their own color. The product can be applied in very light layers, so that they tan gradually, instead of all at once. One advantage to this approach is that it gives people more control in getting just their right shade.

Most every kind of lotion contains one very important ingredient, moisturizer. It is key to keeping the skin silky smooth and hydrated, and not looking dry and flaky. Many also contain vitamins to keep the body looking healthy.

One important tip is to not use any product for the body on the face, which is a lot more sensitive and can easily get irritated. Facial products also do not contain anything that will block pores or cause redness around the eyes and nose. Applying only a small amount at a time will give the face more of an even color.

The most expensive tanners tend to be the ones used to get the darkest colors. They are called bronzers, and contain many combinations of ingredients that have properties to make the skin as dark as possible. Bronzers may also contain a tint, and generally also have extra moisturizers.

No matter what kind of tan, the best self tanner is the one that can help anyone get the look they want, at the price they can afford. And the procedure can be done in just a few minutes a day, without having to reveal the secrets of a great, natural looking glow.

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