By Haywood Hunter

Are the darkest self tanner products really what we need to help us display a good healthy looking tan? Do the many products on the market fall short of our expectations? Is that the real reason why many people still choose to ignore all the many health warnings about skin cancer and the dangers of sunbathing?

The problem with finding good self tan products is that what works for one person, may not be as effective on someone else. The results should be much the same but there are several factors that can affect the results. Having a look at some of the poorer results helps users to know they dos and do not of using tanning products.

It is amazing just how many people ignore the instructions or give them a cursory glance. They do not bother to check the product ingredients to make sure there is nothing they are allergic to. Then they wonder why the results are poor, or they break out in a rash. Taking time to read the small print and making sure the product is recommended for your skin type, and coloring is essential. Usually, it is recommended that users start with a lighter product than can be gradually built up over a period of days.

Test the product on a hidden patch of skin a good number of hours before using on the rest of the body. This allows time for any reaction to the product to show up. It gives the product time to develop and should provide a good indication of what the result will be when applied to the rest of the body.

Applying a test patch also lets the user see how easy or how difficult the product is to apply. If a test patch comes our streaky, too dark and was not very easy to apply, try adding some body lotion to the tanning solution. This makes it easier to apply but does tone down the tan slightly.

Uneven and streaky results often occur because the tanner is not applied to dry, clean and exfoliated skin. When exfoliating, it is important to pay particular attention to joint areas and feet, to achieve a much smoother tan. Have a wedge of lemon or some cotton wool and toner to hand when applying tanning products. Dabbing areas that are streaky helps to reduce the excess colour.

Being in too much of a rush and not allowing the product to set can result in clothes being stained and the tan can become patchy. Particularly, products that have bronzer as an ingredient can be washed or rubbed off too easily. Users should always wait a few hours after applying the product before showering or bathing. Going to bed before the product is dry can ruin the bedclothes with stains.

There are several products that are specifically for use on the face. Even they should never be used near the eyes for safety. Not all tanning products, especially the darkest tanning products, are suitable to be used on the face.

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