By Haywood Hunter

Tanned skin is the in thing nowadays. More and more people are embracing tanning to give their skin the beautiful glow that they desire. For people with sensitive skin, they will have to be very keen when choosing their products. Luckily, there are a variety of self tanning products for sensitive skin. There are several things that one should know when choosing these products.

No mixing of the self tanning products for sensitive skin that you use. Many people in the rush to get results end up mixing a variety of products. This is quite wrong. Using a single product will ensure that the skin is well protected. Also if by any chance you develop an allergic reaction, you will know which product it is that you are allergic to and thus you will avoid it.

It is important using moisturizing base. This ensures that one is on the safe side. One can do this by applying a light coat of his or her normal body moisturizer or lotion before using the normal self tanning products for sensitive skin. This serves two purposes. First, it acts as a barrier between your skin and the tanning cream, thus will keep it safe from damage by the chemicals that may be in the tanning product. It will also serve to keep your skin well hydrated.

When choosing self tanning products for sensitive skin to use, you have to ensure that they have the right sun protection factor. It should protect your skin fully from the harmful elements, such as sun and wind. If you cannot find self tanning products for sensitive skin that have the right level of sun protection, you can opt to make a solution of the closest match with sunscreen. This way you get coverage and a tan at the same time.

Synthetic products do not augur very well with sensitive skin. When looking for self tanning products for sensitive skin, look for those which are organic. Ensure that they have been termed safe for use on sensitive skin.

Tanning oil increases the tanning effect on the skin, and accelerates the burning of skin by the sun. Do not use tanning oil among your self tanning products for sensitive skin no matter the circumstances as it will only cause more harm. This should be left to those with tough or normal skin.

Light products for tanning are the best for use on sensitive skin. The good thing about a light lotion is that it will not cause your skin to clog. The heavy kind of tanning products block the pores and result in one getting a very unsightly rash and in some cases a breakout of pimples. Choose self tanning products for sensitive skin that you are comfortable with.

Conduct an assessment on your skin with the help of your therapist to identify what it is that may be triggering the skin to react. A good expert will thus give you a few tips on what to look for when buying self tanning products for sensitive skin. Ask them to provide you with a list of the ingredients that should be avoided when buying tanning cream. Choose the right self tanning products for sensitive skin.

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