Itchy Scalp Eczema - Treatments And Home Remedies

By Anna Burns

The common characteristics of this condition include inflammations, reddening of skin, flaking, itching and swelling. Most of us will mix up this type of eczema with dandruff because of the flakiness of skin from the head. Those who experience this issue generally are uncomfortable since it is difficult to cover up the affected area.

Numerous symptoms are of this particular issue. While the symptoms might not be the same in two patients, the typical types are itchiness, burning sensation, inflammation, redness, lesions, blisters, oily scalp and balding from ongoing scratching on the scalp.

Any time babies are infected with this condition, it is called crusta lactea. It is nonpermanent, noninfectious and harmless. The child may have signs and symptoms like dark flakes that may show up crusty and thick. Mothers should not be stressed when they find their newborns with signs of crusta lactea. They should know that the condition is not an allergic reaction and neither is it harmful. Then again, it would be necessary to stop the infants from damaging their scalp simply because the more they touch it, the more will the skin get swollen. Rubbing could also result in bleeding and thus mild bacterial contaminations.

Despite the fact that the fundamental trigger of the problem is not identified, it is considered that it originates from skin oil overproduction and also inflammation from a type of fungus which is called malassezia. Most health specialists have discovered that this condition may be inherited down through the family line. Several other possibilities are neural disorders for example Parkinson's disease, brain injuries and stroke. Human immunodeficiency virus has also been recognized to add the chances of having the issue.

There are many elements that will increase the chance of getting the condition. Such factors are oily skin, extreme weather conditions, bacterial contamination, fatigue, hormonal instability, obesity, skin disorders, infrequent shampooing and anxiety.

Skin care products and shampoos containing substances such as selenium, ketoconazole and corticosteroids are often helpful for treatment method. Separating hair into small segments to wash and gently massage the head can be more effective.

Different forms of treatment plans could include using natural oils such as flax seed oil, hemp oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil and olive oil. It has already been proved that there is a relationship between scalp eczema and yeast. Therefore, individuals afflicted with this condition are recommended to stay away from saturated sugars, processed sugars and bread products. Eating a nutritional diet may also help to resolve the issue.

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