Learning About The Best Sun Fake Tan

By Haywood Hunter

In recent years there has been a lot of publicity about the dangers of sun exposure. The UV rays can be very harmful and are associated with an increased risk of skin cancers. Many people are looking for a safer alternative that still gives great results. Some of the best sun fake tan products use a substance called DHA.

DHA is a colorless substance that can safely be applied to the surface of the skin. It then reacts with the amino acids in the skin cells and has a darkening effect. The advantages are that it is safe, easy to apply and affordable. The sun fake tan is not permanent and will fade as the skin cells are naturally replaced. It is currently the only sun fake tan product recommended by the FDA.

Those interested in using a DHA products as a sun fake tan should spend a little time learning about the options. Most people go to the salon for their first few tanning treatments. An experienced technician will be able to help them select the best tan color for their skin tone and show them how to apply the products correctly.

The salon offers several options for a perfect fake tan. The most expensive is a full body sun fake tan done by an experienced technician. A less expensive alternative are the step in spray tanning booths. These use an airbrush machine to gently apply an even coat of tanning product to the entire body.

There are a host of different sun fake tan products to use. These range from bronzing powders and tints, to full body air brush tans. There are creams and gels that will help get the best effect. This is a great way to look good for a special event such as a wedding. It does not take long and is very inexpensive.

Many people are choosing to get a sun fake tan. It is fast and easy and the results are outstanding. Even more important is that there are no negative side effects or risks of burning with the fake tan products. This is particularly important for young people who's skin is still very vulnerable to damage.

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