By Bethy Mashef

Most people are used to consuming sugar every day. This is because they think it is important to include it in the diet. However, this is not true. The body can produce the sugar it requires from the proteins and carbohydrates it consumes. This means that you do not have to eat cookies and candy bars all the time. According to research a diet that has a high amount of fructose such as some sugars and corn syrup contributes to diabetes and obesity.

A lot of fructose in the body is known to cause metabolic syndrome in people and animals as well. This is a collection of factors that increase your chances of developing cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and other illnesses. If you compare two diets, one that has high levels of fructose and another that contains starch you will find that the former leads to fat accumulation around the body.

It is advisable to look for naturally occurring sugars. Good examples are those found in fruits and honey. They are okay as long as they are consumed moderately. What is not fine is taking too much artificial sugar.

Most foods that are manufactured in the factories have artificial flavors added. They are therefore not good for your body especially when taken in large quantities. If you take a fruit for example you get minerals, fiber, photo-nutrients and vitamins which are needed by the body. Fruits also contain fructose in small quantities that cannot lead to any health problems. If you take several fruits your sugar level will still be manageable.

One can of soda has way more sugar than fruits and it has no fiber or nutrients at all. It contains a lot of artificial flavors that are not needed in the body. It is therefore advisable to take an orange or any other fruit rather than a soda because it is the healthier option.

Back in the days, sugar was costly and only a few individuals bought it. In our modern times it is very cheap. Many firms add it to their processed foods instead of starch which is more expensive. Artificial sweeteners are included when making products such as sodas, yogurt, ketchup, cakes among others. It is advisable to avoid such items. Read the labels. Four grams of sugar is about a teaspoon.

A lot of sugar is turned into glucose in the body. Glucose is stored in form of fat in the body when in excess. It is the fat that leads to problems such as heart diseases and inflammation of the arteries. Diabetes is caused by too much sugar in the bloodstream. Obesity is caused by too much fat being stored around the body organs. By avoiding processed foods you can avoid all these conditions.

If you already have fat in your body you can get rid of it though a couple of activities. Burn down the fat by engaging in exercises and other physical activities. A healthy diet will also help you to improve your well being. Avoid foods that are processed because they have a lot of added sugars. Focus on getting natural food which is healthier. Watching the food you eat will allow you to stay free of heart problems, diabetes and obesity.

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