Moisturise And Nourish Skin With Hemp Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Although it is one of the best products for your skin there has only lately been an interest in hemp lotion. There is a long history of medical use of this remarkable plant and it has many health giving properties. It will not only moisturize and repair skin but restore and protect it too.

There have always been many different uses for hemp in pharmacology and in traditional therapies. As a liniment for example it could have been applied to the skin to treat tumors or cancerous lesions. The oil extracted from the seeds has more essential fatty acids than you would find in any other plant source.

One of the most important benefits of EFAs for your skin is that they help cells to retain moisture. This keeps your skin healthy and functioning properly as well as allowing it to be more elastic. All three omega acids are found in this oil. Not only that but they are in the perfect proportions that are beneficial to your health.

There are also polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which have anti inflammatory properties. This makes is good for healing lesions and preventing skin inflammation. High levels of linoleic acid are present and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which is only found in rare sources such as borage oil and evening primrose oil.

It is not just the health fats that are good for you however and there are significant levels of anti-oxidant like vitamin E and carotene. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur are also present. Other compounds that offer protection and rejuvenation are phytosterols and phospholipids.

Many different brands available and you also get hemp lotion for tanning or for specific treatments. If you care about the best health of your skin then these would be the ultimate products to use. You also don't need to worry about absorbing any THC because the plants used for industrial oil are different to the elicit kind.

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