Get Some Very Helpful Teeth Whitening Advice

By Hannah Barnier

Not only are lemons and oranges foods that are rich in Vitamin C, they are also teeth-whitening foods. Some suggest that you take lemon or orange peels and rub them onto the teeth themselves. Citrus peels will give even better whitening results if a bit of salt is put on them beforehand.

It's time to stop smoking. Your teeth can become discolored from the smoke and nicotine that hover around in your mouth as you begin to smoke.

No matter how many times you bleach your teeth, your crowns will not whiten. Crowns will stay their original color, even as your teeth whiten.

To keep discoloration away, brush after every meal. Cleaning your teeth after a meal is very important in order to remove stains from the various foods and drinks you just consumed. Coffee has especially strong staining properties, so it's definitely important you clean your teeth after drinking a cup.

A good natural whitening method for your teeth is to use strawberries! Strawberries have gained the reputation as an effective teeth whitener. Cut a fresh strawberry in half or mash it as toothpaste and apply it to your teeth. Allow the strawberry to remain on your teeth at least five minutes before rinsing to achieve maximum whitening.

To preserve the whiteness of your teeth, avoid liquids that stain teeth easily. Some examples of these beverages include coffee, black tea and cola drinks. If you want to avoid staining as you drink these, sip on water alternately throughout enjoying your beverage.

An easy thing to do is to use whitening toothpaste. This type of toothpaste works by using friction to remove plaque and stains from the teeth. Your teeth will be whiter and brighter after the stains are cleaned off of teeth.

If you want immediate white teeth, your dentist can help. Teeth whitening isn't only a cosmetic problem. Go to your dentists regularly to make sure your teeth are healthy. Determine the best whitening regimen for you by consulting with your dentist first.

Keep in mind that some dental work, like crowns, don't whiten the same way your teeth do. If you have visible crowns when you smile, you should keep in mind that any whitening procedure can cause your teeth to be unevenly colored. If this is the case, discuss with your dentist how your teeth can be whitened while keeping the color consistent.

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