How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

By Mia Kent

Bed bugs are parasites. They feed on human and animal blood. Parasites like the Atlanta bed bugs are commonly found on linens, clothing and mattresses. They thrive well on areas with warm temperature such as bunks and beds as their name implies. They are usually active a night because of their nocturnal characteristic.

Their bite can cause a range of problems that starts from red, itchy blots on the skin to problems as severe as fatal allergy and psychological symptoms. To give remedy to these possible problems, there are a number of doable ways that can help you fight off their invasion in your home.

Prevention or the act of doing something to prevent an occurrence from happening is the primary weapon to avoid bug problems. You can do this daily by keeping your mattresses, clothes, fabrics and areas clean. These parasites can cling to clothed worn outside. It is ideal if you allocate a place for your family to use in changing clothes before entering the main household.

If infestation is present and proven, strip off all your bedsheets, pillow cases, blankets, bed liners and comforters. Wash all of theme with a very hot water and dry in heat. Do not put them back unless you have cleaned every nook and crevices on your house. They could just be hiding anywhere and putting the lines back on maybe futile.

There are covers that cannot be removed and washed. On this type of garments and stuffed toys, utilize the help of a vacuum cleaner. When done, put the vacuumed materials in a sealable container. Make sure that no air can get inside and lock it away for a minimum of seventy two hours.

It is essential to dispose off the vacuum bags properly and quickly. Shut them tight and make sure you throw them in equally tightly sealed containers to lessen the possibility that the insects can enter the house again. Cover cracks and openings in the wall with a sealant so that there will be no more ports of entry for the parasites.

Bed and boxes are the favored habitats of these insects. You can replace them by buying a new one or if buying another one is too much for you, you can buy plastic covers instead. The covers should be sealed tightly and put on for at least a year. The absence of air inside the plastic kills the parasites slowly but surely.

After all the steps are done, continue cleaning the entire area of your house. Utilize mild cleaners in doing so to eliminate other insect and bacteria while causing no harm to the environment. Reuse the washed covers and sheets after everything is put into place. Doing the entire process again every after ten days for three of four times will completely kill all remaining bugs.

It is not a no sweat task when it comes to getting rid of Atlanta bed bugs and their kind. You have to exert extra effort or otherwise, you will have to spend a significant amount in getting the services of an exterminator. Whichever you decide upon, a cheaper but effective way to kill and to eliminate these insects is always preferable.

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