By Haywood Hunter

Sunless tanning proves to be a safe alternative to the tan beds and sun tanning techniques, which expose the users to UV light. These lotions are designed with formulations that allow the skin to tan while not causing harmful effects. Whereas there are many sunless products in the market, users need to ensure they seek the best self tanning lotion brands, which can give them the bronzing look they need.

In applying your tan to the hands, you put it on the backs of hands and then rub them together ensuring that you do not put any tan product on palms. At times, you may apply your tanner only to realize that some areas have turned too orangey or dark such as the wrists, hands, and ankle. You can remove the excess tan and lighten the area by applying substances such as whitening toothpaste, baking soda, alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide.

The tan effect will start to fade as skin cells die and slough off from the epidermis. In using the tan products, users need to prepare their skin properly and take the right steps throughout the application procedure. It starts by obtaining the right product, which will adhere well to skin.

You may have to do some spot tests to determine whether you are using a product that is safe and will not react with the skin. In testing the product, consider doing it on sensitive skin such as your face. Once you have confirmed that the product will work, you can prepare the skin. You cannot apply a tan spray on a dirty skin.

Cleaning is essential if you want to safely use these products. To ensure that you clean your body, you can take a shower and also exfoliate the skin. Try to use exfoliants that are non-oil based because the oils could act as barriers and may prevent the penetration of tan lotions to skin. Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells leaving your skin smooth and radiant.

It also opens up the pores to allow for easy penetration of tan. If you want to shave or wax, it is good, you do that probably a day before the actual tanning. This is because when you shave, the skin is sensitive and you do not want to feel uncomfortable when exfoliating and apply your tan product. Shaving helps clean the hair that could prevent smooth application of tan.

There are areas with creases such as ankles, knees, hands, elbow, and feet. These parts of body can be a dead giveaway during the time of applying a tan. This is why you have to give special attention to these parts. First, they need to be cleaned properly because this is where dirt, oils, and dead skin cells are trapped.

Many of the tanners will claim that they dry within a couple of minutes. However, this is not the case with some, as they will remain moist and wet for a longer time. You may end up messing items and surfaces you come in contact with after applying the tan such as bed sheets.

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