By David Kellan

Tick bites are nothing short of unusual, especially when you think about the illnesses they're known to carry. While most bites are relatively minor, there are those that can result in what's known as tick-borne illnesses. What do these illnesses entail, you may wonder? What makes them so serious that tick control is recommended? Here are just a few examples that the likes of Alternative Earthcare can draw to your attention.

Lyme disease - If you're unfamiliar with Lyme disease, understand that it targets the nervous system. Some of the most common symptoms of said condition include stiff joints and high fevers, meaning that it can become difficult to control. This is why companies like Alternative Earthcare will stress the importance of immediate medical care. Keep in mind, though, that there are other illnesses that can be prevented with east end tick control.

Relapsing fever - It would appear as though relapsing fever is common in the United States after a tick bite. As you could probably imagine by the name, the symptoms of said fever fade away before returning. For those who do not know, the symptoms in question can include abdominal pain and a faster heart rate. Seeing as how this condition has a repetitive nature to it, one can make the sound argument that this is among the most serious tick-borne illnesses.

Rocky Mountain spotted fever - Another serious tick-borne illness is known as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Carried mostly by wood ticks, it can affect the human body in a number of ways. It seems like the onset of this condition is more prolonged than the others, but this doesn't make the accompanying vomiting and potential kidney problems any less serious. In fact, it's all the more reason to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

These are just a few diseases that ticks carry, so it's important to know how to protect yourself. The services of Alternative Earthcare can go a long way, but there are other efforts that can be undertaken yourself. Wearing lighter clothing and utilizing repellent can go a long way in ensuring that ticks are reduced. The more that you know, as far as tick control is concerned, the less likely it'll be that you contract a disease.

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