By James John

Your backbone is not one solid bone. If it were, movement would be impossible. Instead, it is composed of a series of small hollow bones called vertebrae. Small discs separate them with the exception of the Atlas, which supports the head and the axis. Each disc has a fibrous outer layer containing a gel-like substance. Without their shock absorbing capabilities, the individual could not move as he does. At Knox County Chiropractic, injured individuals are helped to have their pain alleviated.

A disc does not slip. It becomes herniated and a portion bulges out between two of the vertebrae. The disc is composed of a tough outer shell that is filled with a gel-like semi liquid substance. When there is a subluxation, that is a misalignment, of the spine, the pressure causes part of the disc to extrude from between the bones.

An accidental fall or automobile crash are two obvious causes of the hernia. But, something as simple as bending the body in an awkward way can also be responsible. Other possibilities are poor posture over time and obesity.

It is the pressure against a spinal nerve root located in the spinal cord that brings on the sometimes excruciating pain. When the adjustments move the vertebrae back into the correct position, that pressure is relieved. As a result, the pain is also relieved.

Your care cannot begin until a full evaluation of your condition is made. There are strength, range of motion tests and assessment of posture. Your spine is palpated and an x-ray is done. You describe the pain, how it limits your activities and how it may have started.

There are some conditions that should not be cared for using chiropractic adjustments. These individuals will be referred to the proper health care practitioner. When the evaluation is completed, your care can be planned.

Often exercises, posture correction and nutritional advice are added to the program. Your goal of bringing the pain under control does not happen immediately. It requires a number of office visits. Improvement happens over time and you may plan ahead for a return to work and other activities.

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