By Larry Taylor

Vertebrae are basically structures which look like pads and they usually serve as a cushions which lie between vertebral bodies and they function in reducing the movement impact on the spinal column. Each spine vertebrae is actually designed just like the jelly doughnuts. As this particular vertebrae degenerates from an injury or even from age, it is very possible for the softer central to rapture via the outer ring. This abnormal central portion rapture is what causes herniated disc commonly.

The most probable location of this kind of a condition is in the disc which are found between the fourth as well as the fifth lumber vertebrae found in the lower back. This is simply because this particular part of body is absorbing the body impact which bears the weight on the upper part of the body. This happens mostly when an individual is either sitting or even standing.

Some other times surgery might be necessary especially in the instances where medication, physical therapy as well as some other types of medication might have failed to yield positive results. These disc have a shape of cushion and they are found between the vertebrae. If these particular shock absorbers are actually absent then the bones can grind against each other.

Each of these vertebrae has a very strong layer which is known as annulus fibrous plus a soft center which is gel like known as nucleus pulpous. These are basically fibers which are actually attach on the adjacent vertebrae while at the same holding each disc in place. Herniation of disc occurs when the layers on the outer part raptures or tears and then this gel like center starts to leak into the vertebral canal.

Disc herniation occurs happens when the outer part layers tears or raptures and then this substance which is gel like begins to seep into the spinal canal. The vertebrae has just an enough space which is used in housing the spinal fluid together with the spinal cord. When herniation happens this gel like element spills on spinal canal, a type of compression occurs on the vertebrae or at times on the nerves.

This is usually marked by muscle weakness especially of the lower extremities as well as incontinence bowel together with the bladder. This particular complication is actually referred to as cauda equina syndrome. Most of medical practitioners usually suspect the existence of such a condition when a patient starts complaining of such symptoms.

Most of times the neurologic examination reveals abnormal reflexes. Most often this particular pain may be elicited especially when a straight leg gets raised when an individual is either sitting or even lying. Several blood tests might be carried out so as to establish if there exists any kind of signs of infection or even inflammation.

Mostly the plain film x rays usually indicate some wear and tear or what is commonly known as degeneration of the spine but it does not show the disc status. So as to effectively establish if a given vertebrae is herniated then a CT or even MRI scan is done for the diagnosis.

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